Contact Us


If you need to return your part (please read terms and conditions to see under which circumstances you are entitled to a return) please contact our sales team on (011) 493 4642 to arrange.

Prefer to buy in person?

Our warehouse stocks over 10000 second hand spares, mainly bakkies and LDVs of all makes. Please call or email your request through first so we can confirm that we have stock, and our salesmen will assist you in ensuring your purchase is correct.

You can visit us at 69 Kimberly-Booysens Road in Ophirton, Johannesburg.

Our Address

69 Kimberly-Booysens Road, Ophirton, Johannesburg
Support(011) 493 4642

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am-5pm
Saturday: 9am-12pm

Closed Sundays